Marine and offshore surveying

A hydrographic survey vessel navigating offshore

Precise positioning for marine surveying

GNSS, inertial navigation systems and correction services for enhanced accuracy.

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Surveying in advance of building bridges, constructing offshore wind farms and dredging requires a high level of positioning accuracy.

Hexagon provides GNSS positioning with multi-constellation and multi-frequency for enhanced reliability, deeply coupled inertial navigation systems and precise point positioning (PPP) correction services for full redundancy during marine survey operations. 

Explore capabilities

  • Overview
  • Cities and nations
  • Infrastructure
Cities and nations
To ensure sustainable growth, cities and nations must embrace digitalisation. With Hexagon’s marine and offshore surveying solutions, digital twins of ports and coastlines are easily created and shared to manage growth, monitor changes and ensure the well-being of citizens and the environment.

Mapping solutions

Leverage location intelligence with solutions that capture, visualise, analyse and derive insights from location data to address a variety of urban and national challenges.

Explore all solutions for the cities and nations ecosystem
Mapping a marine area in advance of construction and other industrial development requires precise positioning technology, sensors and inertial measurements to ensure accurate results. Learn how Hexagon empowers infrastructure development for safe and efficient operations.

Construct phase

Maintain a data-driven approach to orchestrate the entire construction phase, creating a 3D model of productivity and efficiency — with higher quality, fewer reworks and less waste — while layering 4D cost and 5D BIM scheduling data throughout the project.

Explore all solutions for the infrastructure ecosystem